Sunday, November 7, 2021

SYSTEMS of Maine for Me

School and Community

When I was in my sophomore year of high school, that was when I learned my last living parent had passed away. The school was the one that told me that my mother passed away and I feel my school was very supportive, in how the school community gave me options so I could stay in the school system I had been part of since I started my education journal. The faculty and staff at the school were very supportive in many different ways. The community and school systems supported me to make sure I had food, housing and continued a successful educational experience. Many of the different educators and community members supported me and socially, emotionally and physically. 

One big thing that I continued to do was play sports. My coaches and other parents helped me get to and from the practices and games. When I was watching the video for this week, when they were breaking down the systems and how they have to have all the different parks, it made me think of how the community and school system helped me finish school. If it was not for them I would have dropped out of school and who knows where my life would be today. The state of Maine would have not put me through the full faster system because of my age. When you are 16 years old the state looks at youth at this age as an adult and the likelihood of someone taking them into their own home is very low. A member of the community took me in and helped me finish my high school years.  

I would say one system that did fail me was the state of Maine. When I was 16 they looked at youth as an adult and didn't give them the resources to finish out what they needed to get their education or support to help process the trauma that the youth has experienced. This is where the systems are broken and this is a state program. I am very thankful of growing up in the community I did to help push me and the most positive direction they could.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post Ashly and for these reflections on how state structures are uncaring towards youth who are navigating substantive hardship and also how individuals in your school and community mediated that uncaring system to support you with what you needed.


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